John Jordan is one of the most talented and experienced hollow vessel turners in the world. He has spent years designing and manufacturing the finest cutting bars on the market. We are happy to now carry the Jordan #1 Hook Tool. With this bar you will be able to create almost any hollow form you can imagine. This ¾” x 16” bar fits perfectly in the Elbo 2 (and the Original Elbo).
NOTE: The Jordan #1 Hook Tool uses a special 3/16” cutter that is included with the purchase of the bar. If you need extra cutters use this (Jordan Cutter) link to take you to the Jordan #1 Cutter page.
The Elbo 2’s 3/1 6” cutter will NOT fit into the Jordan #1 Hook Tool.
Must have: John Jordan makes a jig to hold the #1 Hook Tool cutter tip for sharpening on your grinder. I highly recommend this as it makes sharpening quick, easy and accurate. Click (Sharpening Jig) to see the jig.